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Winter Radish, GREEN LUOBO

Winter Radish, GREEN LUOBO

A lovely massive root of a Daikon-type radish, flesh is green that fades to whites as going from top to bottom, with a deeper green 'rind'. Flavor is crisp, radish-like but not as sharp/mustardy/peppery as some other varieties. Can be used cooked, but to me its dramatic green color is at its best in the raw form! A variety we typically sow from early July to mid-August to get good size roots by mid-September. Just like many Brassicas, can withstand some early fall frosts, but be sure to harvest and store them before snow or cold sets in. Will overwinter in mild areas (sadly not here!). For a continuous winter supply, store like you would turnips.


Raphanus sativus


min. 200 seeds/pkt Reg
min. 60 seeds/pkt Mini
%germ. on latest test : 94 %

  • Notes

    Availability: we will be adding more as needed. Most items listed as OUT OF STOCK may only be temporarily unavailable - We will be adding more soon, unless *LAST ONES AVAILABLE * is mentioned.


    Our seeds are packaged by weight. The actual number of seeds indicated per packet may differ, but we do our best to include at least (generally more) the quantity mentioned. The quantity depends on the seed germination scores so as to include the right number of viable seeds.

  • Seed Starting

    Best direct seeded once daylength has begun to shorten, from late June to early July. Sown too early in Spring, they may bolt without forming any large root.
