Courgette (Zucchini) COCOZELLE
Long, dark green striped zucchini; beautiful foliage as well; good for the home garden although it's not as crowded with fruit as some modern hybrids… BUT an excellent staple for the lazy home cook like myself as harvesting only one fruit will probably provide enough material for a recipe or two... I do love it for that reason! Still tender while it reaches one foot long… no need to peel, in fact it makes a nice contrast when sliced thinly crosswise. My tip to help guess if peeling is required: scratch with nail, if peel is removed, still tender, if it makes a slight mark, it’s probably too late and should be peeled.
I add it to pizza in thin slices and sometimes prepare them cubed and then frozen. If freezing is not an option, it can also be used for its flesh later on as a marrow squash, if left to mature longer on the plant until skin is tough, harvested and brought indoors before frost. Said to be an Italian heirloom, from the late 1800’s.
Cucurbita pepo
min. 20 seeds/pkt Reg
min. 10 seeds/pkt Mini
%germ. on latest test : 99
Availability: we will be adding more as needed. Most items listed as OUT OF STOCK may only be temporarily unavailable - We will be adding more soon, unless *LAST ONES AVAILABLE * is mentioned.
Our seeds are packaged by weight. The actual number of seeds indicated per packet may differ, but we do our best to include at least (generally more) the quantity mentioned. The quantity depends on the seed germination scores so as to include the right number of viable seeds.
Seed Starting
Once the soil has warmed (same as for beans), it is direct seeded in a well amended soil (a generous heaping shovel of compost or manure per plant or more). Can be seeded in individual pots indoors, 2-3 weeks ahead, for short seasons (100 frost-free days and less) or for an earlier harvest. Plant in the garden in June when a first true leaf has formed. Squash being more brittle than most species, be careful when transplanting. No need to build a heap into which to plant, instead a shallow hole would be better to keep water near these thirsty plants, especially if the soil tends to be on the dry side.